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Status of Referee Match Fee Payments

Our goal is to pay match officials within 7 days of the match.

Match fees will be paid once a match official has submitted their match report to UYR. The match report includes scores, tries and cards issued.

Please note the following:

  1. If the Referee is listed as "UNKNOWN" or it is incorrect, please let us know who the match official was.
  2. If the "Report" column indicates a "No", we have not received your match report.   Please submit your report as soon as possible.
  3. The "Due" column will reflect an amount and will be shaded red if no match report has been received. If the match report has been received, an amount will be displayed and the cell will be shaded green.
  4. A date in the "Date Paid" column indicates that the payment has been processed in Quick Books Payroll and the given date is the date the funds are expected to reflect in your account. If a match report has been received and the "Date Paid" column is blank - and it has been longer than 7 days since the match, it may be that we are missing information to process the payment.  Please contact us to see what is missing.
  5. The "Type" column indicates the method of payments. "DD" stands for Direct Deposit.